We Have Family Members!

We’re @David_Rotimi and @Adeborois. We were packing for a trip to Jos in August 2021 when we thought, “We should take cool pictures in nature with our Christian couple friends.” But what would we wear?

We wanted something that would show our commitment to Christ, while still looking hip and young. So we designed the first Gird shirts. And we took the pictures. Our friends loved the shirts and asked if they could order some. We didn’t even have a name yet but we knew we were on to something. In 2 days, we had an Instagram store, a name and a vision: help believers identify with their faith with the great quality and style.

Gird Store

18 months later, we are humbled by how successful this has become;by how many people we have reached and how many obstacles we have crossed to keep the wheels of this vision moving. We’ve sold well over 5,000 t-shirts to people all over Nigeria and across the world,. We’ve grown from team of 2 to a team of 5 and if you see the two of us squinting into our computers, it’s because we’re still working hard and making it better - daily. We have come to realise that the Gird vision is way beyond us. It’s about something bigger than us. It’s a movement of God.

Gird’s Vision is to change the world by enabling the bold expression of good values. Only the bold can change the world. We produce essential expressive products that inspire. We build a deeply connected community of customers. We tell great stories and build an ecosystem of products that thrive on the four unifiers of sports, love, games and music.

Our definition of good is from James 1:17 and Philippians s 4:8. We've launched Gird Music in line with our unifier through Music. We're about to launch Gird One in a few weeks inline with our unifier through Sports.

Gird Store - Gird Music

Gird Store - Gird One

We’re also the co-Founders of @GirdStore, @TruthiesWorld and @FlevorCo, and we’d love to invite you to be a part of something bigger than all of us. And now... we are about to pivot into the next phase. We've reached a few nations, but there is more.

More people. 

More nations. 

More tongues. 

More lives.

More Expressions

It’ll take a community of #Girdians to make this happen. This is why we’re inviting you to become an Official Girdian.


Gird Membership

We created membership slots for customers who want to be more than customers; customers who want to be family. If you love Gird, believe in Gird and can’t wait to see what God will make of us in the coming years, then stay close by signing up as a founding member. We opened up this membership so that 10 years from now, we’ll still have a rich, close-knit community of people who believed in us when we did not look like what we’ll be in 10 years.

Gird Store - Only the Cool Kids

If that's you, then we are excited to have you join us. Gird Members are the innermost circle we have. In fact, they’re on our close friends list on Instagram and even on twitter (haha, we bet you didn’t know that existed). 

We’ll be 100% honest. Your membership is also an opportunity to support us financially. It’s not a lot of money plus it’s one-off, but it means A LOT to us when someone says, “I believe in your business and I’ll back that up with this token” Apart from easing up some financial burden, it also offers us a WORLD of encouragement! 

Our 'Side Kick' membership is sold out, and we have limited slot available on our 'Shot Gun' membership plan. As a Shot Gun member, you'll get the following: 

  • A Membership Box 😉 containing members-only exclusive merch 
  • A sharable 10% discount code on any 20 products 
  • Access to new products before they go live
  • Access to our decision-making process
  • Be the first to know when we start selling shares
  • Join our Gird United Group on Whatsapp, our close friends on instagram and our community on twitter
  • Extended days for every discount we offer publicly
  • ... and many more upcoming perks as we evolve

Want to ride shot gun with us on this journey? 


Support GIRD

We are waiting with open arms to welcome you. If you have questions, please reach out to us at [email protected]

Thank you for saying it with your chest.




David and Boro