The Journey so far for Gird.

As an entrepreneur, the past year has been a wild ride for me and my wife. We started our clothing brand, Gird with a mission to change the world through the bold expression of good values. Our goal was to create comfortable and stylish clothing with virtuous and inspiring captions that people could wear to show their faith and inspire others.

At the time, we never expected Gird to take off the way it did. It all started on a couples retreat when our friends saw our T-shirts and asked if they could buy some. From there, the brand grew organically as more and more people discovered us and fell in love with our message.


David and Boro - Co-Founders of Gird

Despite having no prior experience in the fashion industry, I was able to leverage my background in printing, sales, and branding to get Gird off the ground. My wife, with her wit and creativity, came up with the name Gird and many of the captions that have become a staple of our brand.

Gird is in over 10 Countries and Counting -
As word of Gird spread, we saw an outpouring of support from the Christian community. Our shirts were embraced and in no time, we were making more sales than we could have ever imagined. To date, we have sold over 5000 shirts in more than 10 countries and have made over N29,000,000 in revenue. All of this was achieved without any paid social media marketing, which is a testament to the power of community and the loyalty of our customers.

Girdians -  The Power of Community - Gird Store